Languages | 53 languages | 106 Languages | 117 languages | 134 languages | 135 languages |
Accuracy | Up to 98% accuracy | Up to 98% Accuracy | Up to 97% accuracy | Accuracy Up to 98% | Up to 98% |
Translation Time | 0.1 Seconds Translation Time | 0.1 Sec. Translation Time | 0.2 seconds translation time | 0.2 Sec. Translation Time | 0.2 Sec. Translation Time |
Design | 7-inch double screen | 2.8-inch Touch Screen | 3.1-inch Touch Screen | 3.5-inch Touch Screen | 4inch |
Standby Time | 48 h Standby | 360 h Standby Time | 150 h standby time | 120 h Standby Time | 150 h Standby Time |
Connection | Wi-Fi, Mobile Hotspot, Bluetooth | Wi-Fi, Mobile Hotspot | WiFi, Mobile Hotspot & SIM card | WiFi and Hotspot | WiFi / Mobile Hotspot / V SIM Card |
Translation | Text & Dialogue Translation | Voice & Photo Translation | Voice & Photo Translation | Voice Translation, Photo Translation & Scanning Translation | Voice & Photo Translation |
Extras | Noise Reduction, HD Sound, Dual Mic | Offline Translation, AI Voice Assistance | Automatic Sleep Mode, Offline translation | Offline Translation / E-Dictionary / Vocabulary | Offline Translation / Noise Reduction |
Working Time | 8 h Working Time | 12 h Working Time | 10 h Working Time | 8 h Working Time | 12 h Working Time |